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From old Saigon to present Ho Chi Minh City

From old Saigon to present Ho Chi Minh City

Let's follow 1st runner-up Phuong Anh - Ambassador of Ho Chi Minh City Tourism Week 2021 to discover the "Pearl of the Far East" with colorful architectural works, historical sites, the process of formation and development of the 300-year-old City with the tour "From old Saigon to present Ho Chi Minh City".


Located in the center of District 1, the Central Post Office with Renaissance architecture was built between 1886 - 1891, considered as one of the most unique landmarks of the City.



Experiencing the public bicycle rental service parking in front of the Central Post Office comes into vouge among young generation lately.



Located right next to the Central Post Office, the Notre Dame Cathedral is a timeless symbol of the history & culture.  It is not only an artistic architectural work, but also a historical witness to all the changes and development of the City over the centuries.



The next destination is Thu Ngu Flagpole - Ho Chi Minh Museum (Dragon Wharf) - a historical landmark of important events, and storing over 1,700 artifacts, documents and images related to the great President Ho Chi Minh.




Fine Arts Museum is one of the favorite check-in spots for photo-holic, and art lovers with about 22,000 artifacts, including paintings, sculptures, antiquities are displayed and preserved.




In the heart of the City stands the cultural work with beautiful Gothic architecture. Let’s admire the elegance and magnificent design, which contribute to creating a colorful heritage picture for the City. The Saigon Opera House is the venue to organize art performance and many high profile events, becoming a must-visit destination to Saigonese and tourists from all over the world.




Immerse yourself in a breathtaking sunset and the whole city view at Bitexco - a symbol of economic integration, the pride of new era, as well as the aspiration to rise and rapid development of Ho Chi Minh City.





Let’s discover the beauty of the City through your lens!